World Book Encyclopedia

The World Book Encyclopedia is an encyclopedia aimed at young readers. American World Book Inc. published the Book in 1917 which is revised every year. In the 1990s, it began to build online World Book Encyclopedia, making it a common encyclopedia for American families and a leading encyclopedia in global sales.

This section selected 5000 representative articles from the World Book Encyclopedia. Selected articles involve culture, art, science, industry subject. The culture part selects interesting knowledge of life, language, and recreation; the art part includes contents of painting, drama, and music; the science part selects the relevant knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and other subjects; while the industry part mainly introduces relative technique and its process of development. The articles selected are suitable for primary and middle school students to read, helping students to understand cultural and scientific knowledge from multiple perspectives; in addition to spreading knowledge, it can also inspire students' interest in English reading.

World Book Encyclopedia

