《中国原始雕塑研究》/ Research on Chinese Primitive Sculpture /Research on Chinese Primitive Sculpture
〔出版物〕中国现代雕塑史著作。《走向现代艺术的四步》/ Four Steps toward Modern Art /Four Steps toward Modern Art
〔出版物〕美国现代艺术史学著作。《环境艺术设计与理论》/ Environmental Art Design and Theory /Environmental Art Design and Theory
〔出版物〕中国现代环境艺术设计及理论研究类著作。《足下文化与野草之美》/ The Culture Being Ignored and the Beauty of Weeds /The Culture Being Ignored and the Beauty of Weeds
〔出版物〕中国现代景观设计著作。《景观建筑的形式与肌理》/ Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture /Form and Fabric in Landscape Architecture