木兰围场御制碑、摩崖石刻/ Imperial Steles and Cliffside Inscription at Mulan Hunting Ground /Imperial Steles and Cliffside Inscription at Mulan Hunting Ground
摩崖石刻中国清代石刻。琅琊山摩崖石刻及碑刻/ Langya Shan Cliffside Inscriptions and Stone Inscriptions /Langya Shan Cliffside Inscriptions and Stone Inscriptions
摩崖石刻中国唐代至中华民国时期摩崖石刻与碑刻。《新修白水路记》摩崖/ The Record of the Newly Built Whitewater Road Cliffside /The Record of the Newly Built Whitewater Road Cliffside
摩崖石刻中国宋代摩崖石刻。全称《大宋兴州新开白水路记》摩崖。天下第二泉庭院及石刻/ the world's second spring courtyard and stone carving /the world's second spring courtyard and stone carving