《城市地下空间开发利用管理规定》/ Provisions on the Administration of the Development and Utilization of Urban Underground Space /Provisions on the Administration of the Development and Utilization of Urban Underground Space
﹝规划与政策文件﹞中国关于城市地下空间开发利用管理的部门规章。《市政公用设施抗灾设防管理规定》/ Provisions on the Administration of Anti-Disaster Fortifications for Municipal Utilities /Provisions on the Administration of Anti-Disaster Fortifications for Municipal Utilities
﹝规划与政策文件﹞中国关于市政公用设施抗灾设防的部门规章。《县域村镇体系规划编制暂行办法》/ Interim Measures for the Compilation of County’sTown and Village System /Interim Measures for the Compilation of County’sTown and Village System
﹝规划与政策文件﹞中国关于县域村镇体系规划编制的部门文件。《大哥本哈根区域规划草案》/ Draft Proposal for a Regional Plan for Greater Copenhagen /Draft Proposal for a Regional Plan for Greater Copenhagen
﹝规划与政策文件﹞哥本哈根应对摊大饼式城市蔓延问题的城市规划初步方案。《精明增长和邻里保护总决议》/ Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Initiative /Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Initiative
﹝规划与政策文件﹞美国马里兰州一系列引导城市和谐与可持续发展的立法。《建设项目选址规划管理办法》/ Administrative Measures for the Site Selection Planning of Construction Projects /Administrative Measures for the Site Selection Planning of Construction Projects
﹝规划与政策文件﹞中国关于建设项目选址规划管理的部门文件。《村庄和集镇规划建设管理条例》/ Administrative Regulations on the Planning and Construction of Villages and Towns /Administrative Regulations on the Planning and Construction of Villages and Towns
﹝规划与政策文件﹞中国关于村庄和集镇规划建设管理的行政法规。《中华人民共和国城乡规划法》/ Urban and Rural Planning Act of the People's Republic of China /Urban and Rural Planning Act of the People's Republic of China