美国环境法/ environmental law of the United States // environmental law of the United States /
美国《综合环境反应、赔偿和责任法》/ Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of the United States of America /Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of the United States of America
美国环境法美国国会于1980年制定的关于危险废物泄漏和治理的联邦法律。又称《高级特别基金管理法》、《超级基金法》。美国《资源保护与回收法》/ Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of the United States of America /Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of the United States of America
美国环境法美国国会于1976年制定的关于固体废物管理的联邦法律。美国《原生态环境保护区法》/ The Wilderness Act of the United States of America /The Wilderness Act of the United States of America
美国环境法美国国会于1964年制定的旨在保存原生态环境的联邦自然保护法律。美国《国家环境政策法》/ National Environmental Policy Act of the United States of America /National Environmental Policy Act of the United States of America