阿拉善SEE生态协会/ Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology /Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology
〔民间社团〕中国首家以社会责任为己任,以企业家为主体,以保护生态为目标的社会团体。北京公众环境研究中心/ Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs /Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs
〔民间社团〕中国的公益环境研究机构。中国政法大学污染受害者法律帮助中心/ Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims at China University of Political Science and Law /Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims at China University of Political Science and Law
〔民间社团〕国内首家为社会提供环境法律帮助和进行环境资源法研究的民间环境保护组织。通过向环境污染受害者提供法律咨询、诉讼等法律援助,以提高公众执行和遵守环境法的意识。又称污染受害者法律帮助中心。北京地球村环境教育中心/ Beijing Global Village Environmental Education Center /Beijing Global Village Environmental Education Center