铀矿放射性测井/ uranium radioactivity logging // uranium radioactivity logging /
铀矿伽马测井铀含量计算/ calculation of uranium content by uranium gamma-ray logging /calculation of uranium content by uranium gamma-ray logging
铀矿放射性测井利用γ测井方法对铀矿进行定量(求取铀含量)的计算过程。缓发裂变中子测井铀含量计算/ calculation of uranium content by delayed fission neutron logging /calculation of uranium content by delayed fission neutron logging
铀矿放射性测井利用缓发裂变中子测井对铀矿进行定量(求取铀含量)的计算过程。瞬发裂变中子测井铀含量计算/ calculation of uranium content by prompt fission neutron logging /calculation of uranium content by prompt fission neutron logging
铀矿放射性测井利用瞬发裂变中子测井对铀矿进行定量(求取铀含量)的计算过程。铀矿伽马测井铀矿储量计算/ calculation of uranium reserves by gamma-ray logging /calculation of uranium reserves by gamma-ray logging
铀矿放射性测井采用γ测井法求得铀矿层在钻孔中的具体位置(上下矿层边界)及其矿层铀含量,再将多个地质剖面上的全部铀矿层连接成为一个一个的铀矿体(圈定铀矿体),根据某个铀矿体在钻孔中的矿层铀含量,求得该铀矿体的平均铀含量及其铀矿体体积(或者矿石量),最后估算该铀矿体铀矿储量的过程。能量色散X射线荧光测井/ energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence logging /energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence logging