《论川剧高腔音乐》/ A Treatise on the High-Pitched Music of Chuanju Opera /A Treatise on the High-Pitched Music of Chuanju Opera
《现代戏曲音乐创作浅谈》/ Case Studies in Composition of Modern Drama /Case Studies in Composition of Modern Drama
《京剧“样板戏”音乐论纲》/ Studies on the Musical Composition of Revolutionary Peking Opera /Studies on the Musical Composition of Revolutionary Peking Opera
《中原音韵》/ Phonology of the Central Plains /Phonology of the Central Plains
《唱论》/ Changlun(a treatise on vocal misic) /Changlun(a treatise on vocal misic)
《二人台音乐概论》/ A Systematic Analysis of the Music of Errentai /A Systematic Analysis of the Music of Errentai
《蒲剧音乐》/ Systematic Studies on the Music of Pu Opera /Systematic Studies on the Music of Pu Opera
《南词引正》/ A Simple Guide to the Singing of Kunqu Opera /A Simple Guide to the Singing of Kunqu Opera
《马可戏曲音乐文集》/ Ma Ke’s Collected Papers on Operatic Music /Ma Ke’s Collected Papers on Operatic Music
《论梆子腔》/ A Study of Bangzi Operatic Styles /A Study of Bangzi Operatic Styles