民间说唱类型诸腔系/ tune systems of folk speaking and singing art /tune systems of folk speaking and singing art
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国戏曲声腔系统。民间歌舞类型诸腔系/ tune systems of folk music and dance /tune systems of folk music and dance
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国戏曲声腔系统。昆腔腔系/ Kun opera tunes /Kun opera tunes
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国戏曲声腔系统。梆子腔系/ Bangzi tune system /Bangzi tune system
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国戏曲声腔系统。少数民族戏曲音乐/ operatic music of China's ethnic minorities /operatic music of China's ethnic minorities
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国各少数民族戏曲剧种音乐。皮黄腔系/ vocal styles of Pihuang operas /vocal styles of Pihuang operas
〔戏曲音乐声腔分类〕中国戏曲声腔系统。高腔腔系/ Gaoqiang tune system /Gaoqiang tune system