隋唐石刻画像/ Sui and Tang dynasties stone engravings // Sui and Tang dynasties stone engravings /
永泰公主墓石椁画像/ quasi-wood engravings on the coffin unearthed at Prince Yongtai’s tomb /quasi-wood engravings on the coffin unearthed at Prince Yongtai’s tomb
虞弘墓石椁画像/ engravings on the stone coffin unearthed at Yu Hong’s tomb /engravings on the stone coffin unearthed at Yu Hong’s tomb
李和墓石棺画像/ engravings on the stone coffin unearthed at Li He’s tomb /engravings on the stone coffin unearthed at Li He’s tomb
大雁塔门楣石刻画像/ picture carved on the stone lintel of the door in the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda /picture carved on the stone lintel of the door in the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda