元代漆器/ the lacquerwares of Yuan dynasty // the lacquerwares of Yuan dynasty /
螺钿楼阁图黑漆盘残片/ the remaining piece of black lacquer plate decorated with pavilions and shells /the remaining piece of black lacquer plate decorated with pavilions and shells
“张成造”款剔犀云纹盒/ carved black lacquer case with cloud design with the mark of “made by Zhang Cheng” /carved black lacquer case with cloud design with the mark of “made by Zhang Cheng”
“杨茂造”款剔红《观瀑图》八方盘/ the red octagonal dish carved with the painting Viewing Waterfall with the mark of “made by Yangmao” /the red octagonal dish carved with the painting Viewing Waterfall with the mark of “made by Yangmao”