《左忠毅公逸事》/ Anecdotes of Lord Zuo Zhongyi /Anecdotes of Lord Zuo Zhongyi
《梅花岭记》/ The Story of Meihualing /The Story of Meihualing
《大铁椎传》/ Biography of the Big Iron-Hammer /Biography of the Big Iron-Hammer
《登泰山记》/ Ascent to Mount Tai /Ascent to Mount Tai
《李姬传》/ Biography of Li Xiang /Biography of Li Xiang
《为学一首示子侄》/ Essay on Encouraging Learning for the Younger Generation /Essay on Encouraging Learning for the Younger Generation
《狱中杂记》/ Jottings Taken in the Jail /Jottings Taken in the Jail
《祭妹文》/ Missing Deceased Sister /Missing Deceased Sister