左翼文人与战国策派论争/ Controversy with Zhanguoce Clique /Controversy with Zhanguoce Clique
【文学论争】20世纪40年代初左翼文人与战国策派之间的论争。左联作家与民族主义文学论战/ Controversy with Nationalism Literature /Controversy with Nationalism Literature
【文学论争】发生在20世纪30年代初“左联”作家与“民族主义文学”的论争。新文化阵营与学衡派论争/ Controversy with the XueHeng School /Controversy with the XueHeng School
【文学论争】20世纪20年代新文化阵营与学衡派之间的论争。左翼文学主潮与论语派的论争/ Argument between the Main Flood of Left-wing Literature and LunYu School /Argument between the Main Flood of Left-wing Literature and LunYu School
【文学论争】20世纪30年代,左翼作家与以林语堂为代表的论语派之间关于幽默小品、性灵文学的论争。语丝派与现代评论派之争/ Argument between the Yusi School and the Comtemporary Review School /Argument between the Yusi School and the Comtemporary Review School
【文学论争】中国现代文学史上一场涉及政治和思想立场的派别论争。新文化阵营与甲寅派论争/ Controversy with the JiaYin School /Controversy with the JiaYin School