中国三北防护林建设工程/ shelter-forest project in the north, northeast, and northwest China /shelter-forest project in the north, northeast, and northwest China
中国三北防护林建设工程在中国西北、华北、东北风沙危害和水土流失重点地区建设大型防护林的工程项目。中国长江中上游流域防护林建设工程/ shelterbelt system construction project in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China /shelterbelt system construction project in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China
中国长江中上游流域防护林建设工程在中国长江上中游地区200多个县(市、区)实施防护林体系建设的工程项目。中国珠江流域防护林建设工程/ pearl river shelterbelt construction project in China /pearl river shelterbelt construction project in China