《中华人民共和国草原法》/ Grassland Law of the People’s Republic of China /Grassland Law of the People’s Republic of China
《中华人民共和国草原法》中国关于草原保护、建设和利用的法律。《最高人民法院关于审理破坏草原资源刑事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》/ Interpretations of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Criminal Cases Concerning the Destruction of Grassland Resources /Interpretations of the Supreme People’s Court on Several Issues Concerning the Application of the Law in the Trial of Criminal Cases Concerning the Destruction of Grassland Resources
《最高人民法院关于审理破坏草原资源刑事案件应用法律若干问题的解释》《草原征占用审核审批管理规范》/ Rules on Administration of Examination and Approval of Requisition and Occupation of Grassland /Rules on Administration of Examination and Approval of Requisition and Occupation of Grassland
《草原征占用审核审批管理规范》中国为加强和规范草原征占用审核审批管理工作而制定的规范性文件。《全国草原保护建设利用“十三五”规划》/ Plan of grassland protection and utilization in the 13th Five-year Plan /Plan of grassland protection and utilization in the 13th Five-year Plan
《全国草原保护建设利用“十三五”规划》农业部于2016年12月30日印发的关于做好“十三五”时期草原保护建设利用工作的规划性文件。《全国草原保护建设利用总体规划》/ National plan for grassland protection, construction and utilization of China /National plan for grassland protection, construction and utilization of China
《全国草原保护建设利用总体规划》根据《中华人民共和国草原法》要求,针对草原建设和保护的薄弱环节,为实现中国草原资源合理永续利用,改善生态环境,维护国家生态安全,促进草原畜牧业发展而编制的指导中国草原保护建设工作的总体规划。《“十四五”林业草原保护发展规划纲要》/ Outline of Forestry Grassland Protection and Development Plan in the 14th Five-year Plan /Outline of Forestry Grassland Protection and Development Plan in the 14th Five-year Plan
《“十四五”林业草原保护发展规划纲要》国家林业和草原局于2021年7月27日印发的关于“十四五”期间中国林业草原保护发展的总体思路、目标要求和重点任务的文件。《国务院关于促进牧区又好又快发展的若干意见》/ Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Sound and Rapid Development in Pastoral Areas /Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting the Sound and Rapid Development in Pastoral Areas
《国务院关于促进牧区又好又快发展的若干意见》国务院于2011年6月印发的关于促进牧区发展的指导性文件。《国务院办公厅关于加强草原保护修复的若干意见》/ Several Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Protection and Restoration of Grasslands /Several Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Protection and Restoration of Grasslands
《国务院办公厅关于加强草原保护修复的若干意见》中国指导草原保护修复工作的纲领性文件。《第三轮草原生态保护补助奖励政策实施指导意见》/ Guiding Opinions on the implementation of the third round of grassland ecological conservation subsidy and reward policy /Guiding Opinions on the implementation of the third round of grassland ecological conservation subsidy and reward policy