航天器主动姿态控制系统/ spacecraft active attitude control system // spacecraft active attitude control system /
多飞行器编队与协同控制/ multi-aircraft formation and cooperative control /multi-aircraft formation and cooperative control
推力器控制在不确定和未知环境下,对多飞行器编队飞行的任务、轨迹、姿态和飞行状态进行控制。静止轨道卫星南北轨道保持控制/ geostationary orbit satellites maintain control of north and south orbit /geostationary orbit satellites maintain control of north and south orbit
推力器控制利用轨道法向推力改变轨道,限制卫星的纬度漂移率的控制。静止轨道卫星共位控制/ stationary orbit satellites co-location control /stationary orbit satellites co-location control