飞机油箱口盖耐火验证试验/ aircraft fuel tank access covers fire resistant test /aircraft fuel tank access covers fire resistant test
〔航空器结构试验〕对飞机油箱口盖进行的耐火试验。飞机油箱密封验证试验/ aircraft fuel tank sealing test /aircraft fuel tank sealing test
〔航空器结构试验〕在规定的条件下,对油箱进行测试、检查,确保油箱密封性能可以满足飞机使用要求的试验。飞机舱门指示告警和目视检查试验/ warning indication and visual inspection test of airplane door /warning indication and visual inspection test of airplane door
〔航空器结构试验〕对飞机舱门各安全指示装置和目视检查装置的验证试验。运输类飞机应急出口舱门打开试验/ transport category airplane aircraft emergency exit door opening test /transport category airplane aircraft emergency exit door opening test
〔航空器结构试验〕对运输类飞机应急出口舱门进行的开启操作试验。飞机热结构/热防护试验/ aircraft thermal structure and thermal protection test /aircraft thermal structure and thermal protection test
〔航空器结构试验〕针对高超声速飞机不同几何特征、不同材料类型的热结构、热防护结构所开展的高温环境结构强度、刚度以及功能的试验。飞机结构雷电防护试验/ lightning safety test of structure /lightning safety test of structure