隧道及地下工程风险辨识/ risk identification for tunnel and underground engineering // risk identification for tunnel and underground engineering /
隧道明挖法施工风险辨识/ risk identification for tunnel construction by cut and cover method /risk identification for tunnel construction by cut and cover method
隧道及地下工程风险辨识利用工程类比、专家调研、工程勘察、试验、计算分析等识别方法和技术,辨识明挖法施工隧道的风险源、风险事件及其影响范围和事故损失的过程。隧道沉管法施工风险辨识/ risk identification for immersed tunnel /risk identification for immersed tunnel
隧道及地下工程风险辨识利用工程类比、专家调研、工程勘察、试验、计算分析等识别方法和技术,辨识沉管法施工隧道的风险源、风险事件及其影响范围和事故损失的过程。岩石隧道全断面掘进机法施工风险辨识/ risk identification for tunnel construction by tunnel boring machine /risk identification for tunnel construction by tunnel boring machine
隧道及地下工程风险辨识利用类似工程经验对比、专家调研和工程调查等风险识别方法和技术,辨识岩石隧道全断面掘进机法施工的风险源、风险事件及其影响范围和潜在后果的过程。隧道盾构法施工风险辨识/ risk identification for tunnel construction by shield machine method /risk identification for tunnel construction by shield machine method
隧道及地下工程风险辨识利用类似工程经验对比、专家调研和工程调查等风险识别方法和技术,辨识盾构法施工隧道的风险源、风险事件及其影响范围和潜在后果的过程。隧道钻爆法施工风险辨识/ risk identification for tunnel construction by drilling and blasting method /risk identification for tunnel construction by drilling and blasting method