隧道及地下工程监控量测选测项目/ monitoring and measurement of tunnel and underground engineering optional monitoring items /monitoring and measurement of tunnel and underground engineering optional monitoring items
选测项目为了满足隧道设计和施工的特殊需要,对一些有特殊意义和具有代表性的区段进行的补充测试。结构位移(活动断层)/ structural displacement (active fault) /structural displacement (active fault)
选测项目当隧道及地下工程穿越活动断层段时,受断层蠕滑或错动的影响,该段结构发生的位移变化。围岩压力及支护间接触应力/ surrounding rock pressure and contact stress between supports /surrounding rock pressure and contact stress between supports
选测项目引起地下开挖空间的岩体和支护出现破坏、变形的作用力。土体分层沉降及水平位移/ monitoring of vertical displacement and horizontal displacement in different stratunm /monitoring of vertical displacement and horizontal displacement in different stratunm