乾隆款画珐琅开光花鸟纹提梁壶/ painted enamel open flower bird pattern lattice pot in Qianlong /painted enamel open flower bird pattern lattice pot in Qianlong
中国古代珐琅器中国清代珐琅器。乾隆款掐丝珐琅海晏河清蜡台/ Cloisonné candle-stick in shape of petrel and tortoise; Qianlong era;Qing dynasty /Cloisonné candle-stick in shape of petrel and tortoise; Qianlong era;Qing dynasty
中国古代珐琅器中国清代蜡台。雍正款画珐琅花卉纹五岳罐/ Yongzheng style enamel flower pattern five mountain jar /Yongzheng style enamel flower pattern five mountain jar
中国古代珐琅器中国清代珐琅器。康熙款掐丝珐琅螭纹暖砚/ "Warm Inkstone" with Dragons /"Warm Inkstone" with Dragons
中国古代珐琅器中国清代珐琅器。宣德款掐丝珐琅瓜纹盒/ Xuande style silk cutting enamel melon pattern box /Xuande style silk cutting enamel melon pattern box