北军监狱/ the prison of north army /the prison of north army
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国西汉禁卫宫室的中都官狱之一。又称北军狱。六街鼓/ the six-street drum /the six-street drum
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国唐代在长安城主要干道设置的街鼓,具有报警和晨昏报时的双重功能。又称鼕鼕鼓、咚咚鼓。忠义巡社/ The ZhongYi Association which was formed to protect civilian against the invader /The ZhongYi Association which was formed to protect civilian against the invader
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国南宋初年各地民众抗击金军、保境安民的民兵武装组织。又称忠义强壮巡社。左右巡使/ the left and right inspectors /the left and right inspectors
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国唐宋时期负责京城安全防范与纠察事务的官吏,具备治安管理和司法监察的职能。诸京警巡院/ the department of patrol police in the capitals of ancient China /the department of patrol police in the capitals of ancient China
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国辽金时期在全国主要城市设置的维护社会治安秩序的管理机构,后逐渐演变为城市行政管理实体。巡捕五营/ the five battalions which were set for capital security /the five battalions which were set for capital security
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国清代京城掌分汛防守、巡逻稽查外城及京郊地方的治安防卫部队之一。五家相保/ the union of five families which are responsible for each other /the union of five families which are responsible for each other
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国春秋时期形成的乡里之中的庶民以五户为一单位进行相互扶助、相互监督的基层乡里制度。南北军制/ the institution of South and North Army /the institution of South and North Army
〔古代警察机构组织〕中国汉唐时期京城长安城内的京师宿卫军制。步军营/ the infantry battalion /the infantry battalion