儿童少年期精神障碍/ mental disorders in children and adolescents // mental disorders in children and adolescents /
儿童少年期行为和情绪障碍/ behavior and emotion disorders in children and adolescents /behavior and emotion disorders in children and adolescents
儿童少年期行为和情绪障碍一组起病于儿童和少年期,以情绪和行为异常为主要临床表现的精神障碍。它会影响患者正常的社会功能或伴有某些生理反应。儿童少年期情绪障碍/ behavior and emotion disorders in children and adolescent /behavior and emotion disorders in children and adolescent
儿童少年期行为和情绪障碍起病于儿童和少年期,以情绪和行为异常为主要临床表现,会影响患者正常社会功能或伴有某些生理反应的一组精神障碍。抽动障碍/ tic disorder /tic disorder
儿童少年期行为和情绪障碍一类主要发病于儿童期,表现为运动肌肉和发声肌肉抽动的疾病。注意缺陷与多动障碍/ attention deficit hyperactive disorder; ADHD /attention deficit hyperactive disorder; ADHD