电力系统过电压与绝缘配合/ power system overvoltage and insulation coordination // power system overvoltage and insulation coordination /
电力系统过电压保护/ overvoltage protection in power system /overvoltage protection in power system
电力系统过电压与绝缘配合在发生电力系统过电压时,为了保护电力线路及设备免遭或降低过电压损坏而采取的必要的保护措施。电力系统中性点接地方式/ neutral point grounding mode of power system /neutral point grounding mode of power system
电力系统过电压与绝缘配合电力系统中三相星形联接的发电机和变压器的中点称为电力系统的中性点。电力系统内部过电压测量/ internal overvoltage measurement of electric power system /internal overvoltage measurement of electric power system
电力系统过电压对电力系统内部过电压的幅值和波形的测量。电力系统特快波前过电压/ very fast front overvoltage(VFFO)of electric power system /very fast front overvoltage(VFFO)of electric power system
电力系统过电压电力系统气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备(GIS)中隔离开关分合闸操作时,因触头间的多次重击穿产生的具有幅值高、波前陡、频率高和连续多次脉冲等特点的过电压。电力系统绝缘配合方法/ method of insulation coordination for electric power system /method of insulation coordination for electric power system