集气站/ gas gathering station // gas gathering station /
常温分离单井集气流程/ single well gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation /single well gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation
常温分离单井集气流程在单独的天然气井场建集气站,采用常温分离装置对天然气进行预处理和调压计量的工艺流程。常温分离多井集气流程/ multi-well gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation /multi-well gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation
常温分离多井集气流程在多井集气站,采用常温分离装置集中对天然气进行预处理和调压计量的工艺流程。常温多级分离集气流程/ multi-stage gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation /multi-stage gas gathering process with atmospheric temperature separation