管道外防腐/ pipe external coating // pipe external coating /
聚氨酯防腐层/ polyurethane coating /polyurethane coating
硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料防腐层以聚氨酯树脂为主要成膜物的防腐层。熔结环氧粉末外防腐层/ external coating of fusion bonded epoxy /external coating of fusion bonded epoxy
熔结环氧粉末外涂层环氧粉末涂料经静电喷涂、熔融、固化等工艺,在金属外表面形成的防腐层。熔结环氧粉末内防腐层/ internal coating of fusion bonded epoxy /internal coating of fusion bonded epoxy
熔结环氧粉末内防腐层环氧粉末涂料经静电喷涂、熔融、固化等工艺,在金属内表面形成的防腐层。液体环氧涂料内防腐层/ liquid epoxy internal coating /liquid epoxy internal coating
液体环氧涂料内涂层以环氧树脂为成膜物,与其他填料和助剂一起组成基料,以胺类作固化剂,经均匀混合后形成的管道内防腐层。三层结构聚乙烯防腐层/ three layer polyethylene coating /three layer polyethylene coating