中国水利科学技术史/ history of water conservancy science and technology in China // history of water conservancy science and technology in China /

中国古代水利基础科学/ basic science of water conservancy in ancient China /basic science of water conservancy in ancient China
中国古代水利基础科学中国古代对水流运动、泥沙运动、水文测验及水文预报等规律和基础知识的认识和总结。出现在春秋战国时期,是对周代及其以前治水活动的经验总结,重点在对地表水流运动一般规律的认识上。古代雨情水情呈报制度/ notification system of rainfall and water regime in ancient China /notification system of rainfall and water regime in ancient China
古代雨情水情呈报制度中国古代对降雨和江河水位、汛情变化情况的观测、记录和报告制度。中国古代水利规划思想/ thought of water conservancy planning in ancient China /thought of water conservancy planning in ancient China